Bread, in one form or another, has been one of the principal forms of food for man from the early times. The bread is one of oldest food in the world. It was found in ancient Egyptian tombs. In the British museum’s Egyptian galleries you can see actual bread, which were made and baked over 5.000 years ago. The first breads produced were probably cooked versions of a grain-paste, made from ground cereal grains and water, and may have been developed by accidental cooking or deliberate experimentation with water and grain flour. The development of leavened bread can probably also be traced to prehistoric times.
Airborne yeast could be harnessed by leavening uncooked dough exposed to air for some time before cooking. Airborne yeasts could be harnessed by leavening uncooked dough exposed to air for some time before cooking. Recently, domestic bread makers that automate the process of making bread are coming popular at home. Bread, both leaved an unleavened, is mentioned in the Bible many times. The ancient Greeks and Romans knew bread for a staple food even in those days people argued wetter white or brown bread was best. People made solid cakes from stone-crushed barley and wheat, a millstone used for grinding corn has been found, that is thought to be 7.500 years old. The ability to saw and reap cereals may be one of the chief causes.
Project from
Ana Carolina, Beatriz and Tatiana
Starter 4
Teacher Fernanda
Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch

Bread, in one form or another, has been one of the principal forms of food for man from the early times. The bread is one of oldest food in the world. It was found in ancient Egyptian tombs. In the British museum’s Egyptian galleries you can see actual bread, which were made and baked over 5.000 years ago. The first breads produced were probably cooked versions of a grain-paste, made from ground cereal grains and water, and may have been developed by accidental cooking or deliberate experimentation with water and grain flour. The development of leavened bread can probably also be traced to prehistoric times.
Airborne yeast could be harnessed by leavening uncooked dough exposed to air for some time before cooking. Airborne yeasts could be harnessed by leavening uncooked dough exposed to air for some time before cooking. Recently, domestic bread makers that automate the process of making bread are coming popular at home. Bread, both leaved an unleavened, is mentioned in the Bible many times. The ancient Greeks and Romans knew bread for a staple food even in those days people argued wetter white or brown bread was best. People made solid cakes from stone-crushed barley and wheat, a millstone used for grinding corn has been found, that is thought to be 7.500 years old. The ability to saw and reap cereals may be one of the chief causes.
Project from
Ana Carolina, Beatriz and Tatiana
Starter 4
Teacher Fernanda
Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch
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