Centro Britânico's Corner

A place for Centro Britânico's students and teachers to meet.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our favorite toys

Project from
Teacher Fátima

Centro Britânico
Perdizes Branch
Environmental week in Vila Madalena!!!

Students in Vila Madalena created some songs related to the environment!
Check it out!

Song 1:

Adam's Family
Lots of trees are going down and
Pollution going out and
It seems not to be no sollution

What's happening to the world?
Kyoto's protocol and
Bush taking control of
All the oil of the planet

What's happening to the world?

Song 2:

Times Like These - Jack Johnson

What do they think
Doing all those things
The thing going on here, is much more than this
Have you seen the tsunami, the hurricane,
the earth shake, the hungry, the extinction,
the warming

Wales dying, just planes are flying,
no forests, no rivers, just buildings

The world is blind

Song 3: S

inging In The Rain

What can we do
To make the world turn blue?
To change this situation...
Environmental week is our salvation!
Everything... tic ticEverything... tic tic

What does it have to with you?

Project from
Higher 4
Teacher Andréia

Centro Britânico
Vila Madalena Branch

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

We are Junior 5 group:
Gianluca, Henrique, Luana and Rafael ...


We are Kids group:
Bruna,Camille, Giovanna,
Henrique Abreu and Henrique Martins ...

We are Junior 5 group:

Project from
Junior 5 and kids 3
Teacher Fátima

Centro Britânico
Perdizes Branch