Centro Britânico's Corner

A place for Centro Britânico's students and teachers to meet.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dialogues created from Page 14
Teens Club 4

Billy: Yes, there was. She sat on the three chairs. The big daddy bear’s chair was too hard, the medium-size mammy bear’s chair was too soft and the small baby bear’s chair was just right, but she broke it.

Bud: Why?

Billy: Because she was heavy. She then decided to sleep. She went upstairs. In the bedroom were three beds. A big daddy bear’s bed, a medium-size mommy bear’s bed and a little baby bear’s bed. She lay down on the three beds one at a time. The daddy’s chair was too big, the mom’s bed was too small and the son’s bear was just right. Finally, she fell asleep.

Bud: Ok.Thank you, good night. Let me sleep.

From Ana

Billy: She then saw there were three chairs, a big daddy bear’s chair, a medium-size mommy bear’s chair and a little baby bear’s chair, she sat on the big chair but it was too soft, so she tried the medium-size but it was too hard.

Bud: Why was the big chair too soft and the medium-size chair was too hard?

Billy: I don’t know! Well, when she sat on the little chair it was just right, but she broke it.

Bud: Why did Goldilocks break the chair?

Billy: Because she was too heavy. Anyway, after she went to the bear’s bedroom and saw three beds, a big daddy bear’s bed, a medium-size mommy bear’s bed and a little baby bear’s bed.

Bud: Why did she go to the bear’s bedroom?

Billy: Because the felt asleep. Well, she lay down on the big bed but it was too big, so she tried the little bed but it was to small, so she lay down on the medium-size bed, it was just right.

Bud: Why was the medium-size bed just right?

Billy: I don’t know. Anyway, when she was sleeping the bear family arrived and they had a surprise because they found a human in their house…

Bud: Good night.

Billy: What’s the matter? I thought you wanted a story.

Bud: I do. But now I want to listen to my Goldilocks cassette.

From Mateus

Billy: Yes, there was. And the tiny baby bear’s chair was just right, but Goldilocks was very fat and broke the chair.

Bud: Did Goldilocks try to fix it?

Billy: No, she was a very ruse child.

Bud: Wow! I don’t like her!!!

Ok! Then she went upstairs and saw three beds. She lay down on the big daddy’s bear’s bed but it was too big, she then lay down on the medium-size mommy bear’s bed but it was too small and she lay down on the little baby bear’s bed and it was just right!

Bud: Why did Goldilocks lie down on the baby bear’s bed and didn’t break it?

Billy: I give up! Go to sleep now!

From Priscila

Project from
Progress 1
Teacher Patricia

Centro Britânico
Perdizes Branch


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