Centro Britânico's Corner

A place for Centro Britânico's students and teachers to meet.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Our Pets...

Niccolly’s pet
Dino is my dog. Dino is 9 years old. He is very cute. He is brown. He loves ham.

Johnatan’s pet
Cristal is my dog. Cristal is 50 days old. She is black and white. She loves biting and ham.

Luiza’s pet

Toquinho is my dog. Toquinho is 3 years old. He is white. He is very playful and cute. He loves chocolate and banana.

Anton’s pet

Victor is my turtle. Victor is 9 years old. He is green and brown. He is very angry and nervous. He loves pasta, soda, yogurt and ham.

Vitória’s pet
July is my dog. She is 2 years old. She is white. July is very cute. She loves bones.

Leonardo’s pet
Tatá is my turtle. Tatá is 2 years old. He is green and brown. He is very hungry and crazy. He loves human fingers and ration.

Juliette’s pet
Milla is my cat. Milla is 4 years old. She is white, black and grey. She is very beautiful, playful, hungry, cute, lazy and naughty. She loves melon and avocado.

Project from
Junior 4
Teacher Lilian

Centro Britânico
Colégio Batista


  • At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my dog is called yugi

  • At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my dog is called thomas

  • At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My dog is called ivan


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